Beyond the expectations. Hotel revenue management between prices and expectations

Beyond the expectations.

Hotel revenue management between prices and expectations

Consider hotel night prices as a distinguo between upscale and cheap lodging situation.
That is the first assessment in the guests' decision making process.
Consider also that rising the price does not surely mean putting forward a good product.
Looking at the scenario by the opposite outlook can help, or better, the solution is just the opposite.
Put on the market a good product entails high costs, is demanding and challenging for a company structure.
Put on the market a not up to par asset could be challenging as well from the marketing strategy point of view.
It implies a solid mental organization, as well as a strong cogency.
But, there is something very interesting to consider.
Selling an asset, or a product or service at a high price requires a qualified after sales service.
At the very end it makes the solo difference, it justifies the price.

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